Student Portal


Frequently Asked Questions

Are you affiliated with any organisations?
Answer: We are not affiliated with any organisations, groups or any governments. Nor are we an organisation,
but a small project which aims to provide islamic courses for Muslims.

Are you a business?
Answer: We are a project which aims to fulfil the needs of the students of knowledge through organising courses
which will benefit them and also enable them to gain valuable knowledge which they can put into practice. The fee's that
are charged in our courses go toward the hiring of the venue(s), marketing and other over-heads.

Who are the teachers?
Answer: we organise courses with highly qualified scholars who have sat at the feet of great scholars in the Muslim
world and hold Ijaza's in various fields of Islamic knowledge.

Why is there any need to organise these courses?
Answer: our main aim is to please Allah and portray the din of Islam as it was sent to our Master Muhammad (Sallallahu 'alayhi
wa Sallam). In a time such as this, when many scattered views, ideology and methodology is taught in the many institutions,
there is a lack of courses happening for the general masses who are being taught knowledge which can either deviate
them from the Ahl as Sunnah wa''l Jama'ah or result in them blind following misinterpretations of the Qur'an and Sunnah

Who are the preferable participants?
Answer: the courses are open to all Muslims, however due to the advanced nature of these courses, we only request brothers
and sisters who are used to advanced learning and can cope in such courses.